Tuesday, August 30, 2011

7th Weigh In

At this weigh in, I learned that I need to manage my expectations better.  I've been so lucky that every single week, I've lost some weight.  However, I've also developed unrealistic expectations as every week, I shed almost too much weight. . . some weeks losing 3-4 pounds in one week, which is a bit fast. 

So, today, I'm trying to be grateful that I lost at all.  I'm trying to remember what I used to weigh, and being thankful that my hard work has paid off.  I'm also remembering, take 5 pounds at a time.  Yes, I may still be approximately 16 pounds off my goal weight, but through a lot of hard work, and a lot of discipline, I WILL GET THERE.

Here are this week's results:

Weight Lost This Week: 1 pound
Current Weight: 156.2
Current BMI: 23.1

Total Weight Lost: 17.2 pounds

I always set a goal as I walk into each meeting.  Today, I really would have LOVED to have seen the number 155.  So, I was a bit disappointed.  I'll be honest. 

I'm just hoping I can work extra hard this week, and enjoy a labor day without over endulging on bad stuff.


  1. Wow you are doing so well!! You've lost heaps so far! Do you run as well as walk?

    Sorry if you've already blogged about running I've just skimmed through a couple of your blogs so far. We both started around the same time.

  2. One pound is still so so good, especially as you get near your goal weight!
    The good thing about labor day is that there is still fruit/light summery food in season, so I'm sure you'll be able to enjoy!
