Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A Little About Myself

I was born naturally thin. 

Okay, who is really born thin?  Well, you know what I mean.  Growing up, I was skinny.  Lanky.  Petite.  And not by choice.  I ate everything, and not in moderation.  My favorite grouping was an ice cold regular Mt. Dew with a big bag of nacho cheese doritos.  I consumed this favorite snack several times a day.  I didn't hold back ever.

Growing up, I would often get the comments that this would catch up with me.  But there I was, an 18 year old, graduating from high school, and wearing a size 4 and a size 6.  I was consuming way too many calories a day, but I was playing sports two hours a day, so I was able to maintain my slim frame. 

Then college happened to me.

I actually managed to stay thin my first 3 years of college.  I didn't wear many size 4's anymore, but I did fit comfortably into a 6 and sometimes an 8, and that was okay with me.

Then my senior year of college happened.  I had experienced a few heartbreaking experiences at the end of my junior year and I was filled with  huge void in my heart.  And what did I fill this void with?  Food of course!

And for the past 10 years, the weight has crept up on me.  And I'm done with it.  I'm done with being heavy. I need to look in the mirror and like what I see.  It's been way too long.  I NEED that.  And now is the time.  10 years s long enough to have body image issues.  To be carrying extra weight. My size 10's are now getting a big snug, and I refuse to ever wear a 12.  Just refuse.

So, I started this blog.  A blog that I hope will give me some accountability.  I blog where I will talk about my current weight.  Show pictures of the progress, and really work hard to get back into a 6.  (Yes. . . I've thrown the hopes of wearing 4's out the window) 

I've realized I CANNOT do this alone.  So, today I will attend my first Weight Watcher's Meeting, which I hope will also provide me with accountability. 

Here begins the weight loss journey.

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