Monday, September 19, 2011

NOT a Model Client

Every week, I love reading the success stories on Weight Watchers.  It keeps me motivated to keep going with the plan.  I have in common with these people that we are losing weight.  I've lost almost 20 pounds, these people are success stories because they shed the weight.  But that is where our things in common end.  They lost weight and kept it off because they made drastic changes.  Me. . . I feel like I am constantly cheating the plan.

My weigh ins are every Tuesday.  After weigh in, I try to be good and not go over my allowed points.  Then Wednesday I try to be good, as well as Thursday.  Friday, I am good until the point that I get home from work, and then I am bad.  I open up the bottle of wine, and have too many classes, I order my favorite Indian takeout and eat a HUGE piece of the most delicious naan I've ever had.  I wake up Saturday, feeling guilty and I go for a nice walk.  I eat well all day, until dinner time comes around. My husband and I aren't big cookers, and on the weekends we like to indulge, so we usually do takeout again, and I may have a glass of wine again (or 3-4).  Sunday I become painfully aware that I have a weigh in in 2 short days.  So Sunday, I get in my 30 minutes of cardio, and I purposely try to stay until my allotted 29 points for the day, because I know I must have went severely over on Friday and Saturday.  (Although I tend to slack off from tracking on these days)  Yesterday for example, I only ate 23 points.  29 is supposedly the lowest we are ever supposed to go.  I know this, but I'm in catch up mode.  I wake up hungry on Monday, but know that if I want to see results on the scale the VERY next day, that I should probably stay below points on Monday as well.  So today for example, I'm going to try to stay at least 5 points under.  And then weigh in on Tuesday, and the cycle starts again.

I am happy with my results, but I do realize that maintenance will be hard if I keep this up.  I want to have a PERFECT week.  A week where I stick to my 29 points daily, without ever going over.  A week where I don't have to come in under points on a couple days because I was so severely over the day before. 

Tuesdays are an exciting and anxiety filled day all in one.  I am so anxious to find out my weight, but so nervous that the number won't be favorable because afterall, how many points ARE in a bottle of white wine?

I am less than 10 pounds from my goal weight. . . a weight I haven't seen on the scale in over 10 years.  I must be better.  I MUST accomplish this goal.  And I probably should quit with my wine. 

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this post so much! Unfortunately, I don't have any great advice for you. :( It's frustrating that we know, exactly, what we need to do to have that PERFECT week, but, yet, we still have such a difficult time doing it. Weekends are very hard for me. You're losing though, and that's great!
