Monday, August 29, 2011

It's been A WEEK

Here I am.  Approximately 24 hours away from weigh in.  I'm very curious what the scale will tell me tomorrow.  It's been a rough week for me eating wise.

It all started on Friday.  My state is having their annual State Fair.  I'm not a big fair person at all, but I had to attend for work for a team building activity.  I'm sorry. . . but I can't go to a fair setting and not indulge a little, right?  My indulgences weren't terrible.  As in, they could have been much much worse.

I consumed:

A couple pieces of homemade fudge.
Cheese Curds (Did you know these are 18 points?  18 people!)
A Beer
A glass of wine
3 (or 4) Sweet Martha's Cookies

It could have been worse, but this felt plenty bad.  The way I have been successful so far in this weight loss journey is that I don't ever go into my extra points allowed on a weekly basis.  I get 29 points a day, and that's all I use.  I never use the additional 48 points I get, and although I track my activity, I never use those points either.  This has worked for me, and I've continued to see the scale move downward each week.  This week, I unfortunately had to use some of those extra 48 points, so I'm curious to know if that will make a difference on the scale. 

I did exercise a lot this weekend.  Saturday I went on a brisk-paced walk for 45 minutes while pushing my kids in the stroller.  I figure with my two kids and the weight of the stroller I'm probably pushing about 60 pounds.  I got back on track on Saturday, and Sunday, I even stayed below my 29 points for the day. I know coming in under isn't recommended, but seriously people. . . Cheese Curds are 18 points!

And this weekend, for the first time since beginning my weight loss journey, my family members commented on how "trim" I looked.  I know I should care about the attention, but at the same time, I couldn't believe no one had noticed I was any thinner.  I mean, 16+ pounds is a big deal.

Looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow.  And my the scale be favorable.


  1. This is why I avoid fairs, carnivals & feasts like the plague! Good luck at WI tomorrow.

  2. Unfortunately, we can't avoid everything we would like. But my mom always says that the difference between messing up and getting back on track is the very next day. And you just do a little bit more every day to make up for the one day. Don't beat yourself up! Just start over! :)

    I saw your comment on Nessa's blog, and your blog seems tell more of a story that relates to my situation more than many of the others. I have about 17-20 lbs to lose, so I'm looking forward to following your journey. I don't write a weightloss blog--just a regular one, so I like reading blogs like yours for motivation.
