Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2nd Weigh In

I was more nervous for this weigh in than I was for the first.  You see, my husband and I were out of town all weekend.  We went on a SUPER DATE, something we haven't done since we had children.  We spent the weekend in NYC, eating delicious food and sipping delicious wine.  You see my concern, right?

Well, weigh in went better than expected.  Here are week 3 results.

Weight: 167.2
BMI: 24.7 (Normal Range!!!)

I have lost a total of 6.2 pounds, and I'm feeling great!  I decided weekly pictures are a bit much, so instead, I will do monthly pictures to see if I can tell a difference in my weight loss. 

I learned  lot this week.  One, I WILL mess up sometimes.  I just will. But my mess ups are not nearly as "messy" as they used to be.  And something else I learned is that if I keep moving daily, I'm allowed to have a snack here and there, and that's okay. 

I also realize that my weight loss is starting very rapidly, and chances are, it is going to taper off sooner than later.  And sometimes I look at my overall goal, and I feel like this snail's pace isn't working for me.  But. . . I just have to keep going on this.  I need to consistently lose weekly, and before I know it, I'll be looking in the mirror at the person I know I was meant to be. 

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